Balaji Aravamuthan
2 min readJan 31, 2021

We often see huge investments made on lavish architectural research centres, but they seldom yield results. Typically, we hear money is the barrier for innovation and if so why do these centres not produce adequate results?

Lavish buildings, expansive packages to employees, abundant finance, etc are not the right stimulus to innovative thinking. If we analyse the major innovations till date, we will be shocked to know that a very few of them stem from luxury. Instead “Necessity has always been the mother of invention” -Plato.

One interesting fact of the last century is that the major inventions were made in the field of military. Whether it is ASDIC, Radar, Walkie-Talkie, night-vision, duct tape, nuclear technology, jet engines, digital photography, Internet, Satellite navigation, sanitary napkins, bug-spray, super glue, synthetic rubber, frozen food, microwave oven, GPS, Epipen, VR, drones, computers, jeeps, penicillin, wrist-watches, blood banks and transfusions, ambulances, and the list goes on. Even innovations such as the plane were initially only meant for the army.

So what are the key criteria for these innovations?

  1. Survival instincts :

Survival instincts have vitalised frugal innovations for centuries now. Military is the best place to physically and mentally portray Darwin’s “survival of the fittest”. Few examples of such innovations are: Penicillin, Epipen, Satellite navigation, GPS, etc.

2. Creative discipline :

We all are aware that the military is known for their discipline. This discipline when coupled with creative minds, disrupts all stereotypes. So these innovations are more focused, faster, and more practical.

3. Scarcity :

Scarcity on the availability of resources, funds and time, have actually stimulated them to work within the constraints thereby entering into the innovate zone.

4. Purpose driven :

Many of their innovations had immediate use for their survival. As a team when they see their fellow members struggling, it propels them towards the solution. Laser sharp focus and time bound demand has made it possible.

5. High energy :

Their fitness drills, training, situational awareness, selflessness, mental toughness, and their grit demonstrates their intense energy. When this is coupled with a common goal, and no dark internal competition, it makes the environment conducive for disruptive innovations.

Lets ask ourselves, how many times could we complete our task better when we have been given ample time and resources when compared to urgent deadlines? While sufficient time and resources are mandatory, the luxury of it inhibits creative thinking altogether.

We would like conclude with the following quote:

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself — Chris Bradfordlf.

Signing off

A Balaji & B Shrinidhi



Balaji Aravamuthan

Writer , Mentor , IT Thought Leader , Business Strategist,