Ignorance : Bliss or Not

Bathed in bliss, an innocent mind,

Unaware of truths, in the present confined,

Guarded and guided, under watchful eyes,

In this tender ignorance, no harm lies.

Yet, in crisis, ignorance veils the truth,

An illusion spun, obscuring proof,

When Leyman tumbles, or inflation climbs,

The cost of unawareness echoes through times.

The economy crumbles, inflation soars high,

Social media’s roar echoes in the sky,

Jobs redefined by AI’s unrelenting hand,

A silent pandemic halts every land.

Yet, ignorance is no blissful song,

For in learning, we grow strong,

From survival to evolution, the journey is vast,

In enlightenment, shadows of ignorance are cast.

— A. Balaji, B.Shrinidhi, ChatGPT



Balaji Aravamuthan

Writer , Mentor , IT Thought Leader , Business Strategist,