Balaji Aravamuthan
3 min readNov 14, 2020

Me : “You’re not welcome, keep a distance. But I would like to converse with you.”

Covid (with a smile) : “Okay, 6 feet apart!”

Me (furiously) : “Not funny. Your first anniversary is so many people’s death anniversary too. You’ve taken lives of 1.3 million people!”

Covid (amused) : “I may be framed for some of these deaths but you’re taking selective statistics. Have you looked at the overall death rate between past year and this year?”

Me (defensively) : “You pushed people to work from home and had many fired”

Covid : “That’s called recession. It’s not me.”

Me (bitterly) : “You are the reason for recession.”

Covid (sarcastically) : “Wait wait wait wait! What was the situation before? Were you living in the Golden Eras? Unemployment rate is still lesser than 2013.”

Me (scornfully) : “Huh! Now who’s taking selective statistics? You’ve literally paused world travel and you’re claiming to be innocent?”

Covid : “Don’t you have statistics which reveal pollution reduction? I’m not all evil, I just want to make people realise the urgent consequences of their careless behaviour. Besides they also save commute time.”

Me (irritably) : “Oh! So now you’re playing moral police huh? You’ve encroached family privacy and literally pushed offices into homes.”

Covid (grinning) : “As per a survey by CNBC, 60% of full-time workers who’ve been working from home say they are very satisfied with their job and are also more productive. Hey, it’s not me saying.”

Me : “How much inconvenience did organisations face? You’ve literally made them nuclear.”

Covid (shrewdly) : “TCS announces that 75% of its workforce will enduringly work from home by 2025. I made them rethink their way of operation. By the way, if you can make nuclear bombs, nuclear power, nuclear families, why not nuclear offices?”

Me (heatedly) : “You literally made 51% of the people shriek adjusting with internet troubles. What is the counter statistics from you this time huh?”

Covid : “Wait a minute, are you saying I’m responsible for IT trouble? They just got exposed. I’m just making them self-reliant. This also helps reverse urbanisation for which I don’t mind accepting credits from you :).”

Me (peevishly) : “Ha! You wish! You’ve created so many psychological problems. You cut them off from life, gave them anxiety and mental health issues. Is this your ideal of self-reliance?”

Covid : “Do you think they were united earlier? As if they were not already facing these problems. There is a limit to blame!”

Covid (conclusively) : “Look, I understand you people are soon going to destroy me completely. You can blame me all you want, but I’m not the villain here, I’m just a mirror. This is your wake up call. I’ll come again if you’re not learning to live and let live naturally.

Before signing off I want you to remember the following :

  1. The world is not only for humans. Be mindful about it.
  2. Plan your action, not with arrogance but with neutrality.
  3. Be close to nature. Nurture nature.
  4. Use statistics wisely, not just for selective convenience.”

PRUTHVEEM DHARMANAA DHRUTAAM (The Earth is held by dharma)

— Bhoomisuktam



Balaji Aravamuthan

Writer , Mentor , IT Thought Leader , Business Strategist,